Monday, April 20, 2009

You Can't Always Be The Hero

Originally uploaded by unicornfetus

"We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by." ~ Will Rogers

Sometimes the best thing to do is to sit on the sideline and clap. To cheer others on. To encourage others to succeed. To be a part of the supporting cast. You can't always be the hero, no matter how much you would like to be.

Some people are better at playing the supporting role than others. Some do nothing but encourage others, teach others, and help others. Even though they may not always get the notoriety or praise a hero might, I believe many times they are the real heroes.

If you don't encourage others, make it a point to start. Share with others what you can. Teach others when you can. Choose to sit on the curb and clap.

You can't always be the hero. The trick is having the wisdom to know when to play the supporting role.


Tim Jahn said...

Great insight! I think we all forget about this from time to time. It takes just as much effort and drive to support a hero 100% as it does to be that hero.

Andrew Weaver said...

Thanks, Tim. I think the biggest thing I wanted to get across with this post is that really, we should be more focused on cheering on others. It is helpful, even for myself, to be reminded of this from time to time.

Ingrid said...

I enjoyed readingg this