Friday, June 12, 2009

Foto Finish Friday

Leavin' On A Jet Plane, originally uploaded by drewmaniac.

My wife and I will be leaving on a jet plane tomorrow. We'll be in Boston and New York City for the next week, but I hope to post at least once while we are out. Hope everyone has a great week!

*Each Friday an interesting photo is selected to end the week on.


Cantrell said...

I hope those weren't the actual bags you packed? I'd "Nelson Muntz" you (point and laugh..."ha-ha!") if I saw those coming around the carousel.

Have fun you crazy kids!

Andrew Weaver said...

Haha.... um, no. I have legit luggage. Those are props.

Jon in OKC said...

Stephen loves hard shell suitcases. How was Boston?