Monday, December 21, 2009

5 Things You Should Do Now

Face to Face
Originally uploaded by drewmaniac

For those of you that don't know, school's in. Prepare to get your hands dirty in 2010. You better get to work in 2010. Assuming 2010 will be a year of great recovery as far as the economy is concerned would be unwise.

I don't usually make predictions, but I'm going to go out on a limb this time around and make one. 2010 will be a year of leveling out. The economy will remain stagnant at best, will crash a little more at worst. I don't expect a huge recovery and that's coming from someone who always tries to be optimistic.

With that in mind, here are some things you should be doing now. If you would prefer to procrastinate, this list isn't for you.

  1. Start your New Year's Resolutions now. Why wait? Imagine if you've had a whole week and a half jump on everyone else. If there's something you need to change, improve, or challenge yourself with waiting until January 1 won't improve your odds of sticking with it. Being serious about it now will.
  2. Update your resume now. It never ceases to amaze me how many people don't update their resume until they need a job. The current economy offers no guarantees and is unstable. You shouldn't be waiting until you are shipped out to start working on your resume. While you're at it, why not shop around? Always keep your eyes open to new opportunities.
  3. Set long term goals for 2010 now. This is a little different from making a New Year's Resolution. Set some long term goals for 2010 that you hope to accomplish by the end of the year. Even if it's as far away as December of 2010, you should start preparing now. I've got a few of these myself. 2010 is going to be a year of all sorts of changes for me personally. You should be looking ahead as well.
  4. Help others out now. In a position where you can help someone who has found themselves out of work? Help them out. Don't assume they have family who will help them if they need it. Don't assume they had plenty stashed away for a time like this. Don't assume the unemployment check is helping them get along. If you're in a position to help out someone in need, help them now. Don't wait.
  5. Network, network, and network now. Make connections now. Build relationships. Help others make the connections they may need within their network. Don't wait until you need something. You can probably get away with not updating your resume until an emergency (like losing your job), but waiting until you're out of a job to network is dangerous. Don't be that guy who calls you a year after your first connection begging for a job. Network now. Don't wait.
If you have more you could add to this list, feel free to do so in the comments. Let's be prepared for 2010. Most importantly, let's get started now.

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