Thursday, January 3, 2008

Down With The Sickness In The New Year

2008 is here. I got home from Oklahoma City (where I spent the New Year's weekend) and promptly became sicker than I've been in years. You name the ailment, I have either done it or had it in the past 24 hours. I haven't eaten a thing in over 24 hours. Primarily because I can't keep anything down. Well, the fever has broke, so I'm going to write.

Many people will start the new year by making resolutions to change this or that within their lives. While that is a good concept, many will not keep them. Identifying things to change, and actually resolving to change ones attitude (thereby causing true change) are two entirely different things. I prefer to set my resolutions any time of the year. It's probably better to set goals to change as soon as one identifies a problem or change that is helpful, any time of year.

All of that said, I realized a little while ago I have no point to this post. My apologies. I'll blame the sickness. I just got on here and started writing. Happy 2008 everyone!

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