Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Are You Investing Time In Those You Lead?

Los Poderosos del Norte
Originally uploaded by Tinta China

Are you getting to know those you are leading? Are you investing time in them? If not, why not?

Some excuses I've heard.

  • I’m here to work, not make friends.
  • I’m saddled with so much responsibility, I don’t have the time.
Some answers to those excuses.
  • I can see the merit in that line of thinking, but only to a point. Refusing to invest time to get to know people because you don't want friends is foolish.
  • You should never be so busy that you are unable to make a moment for those you lead.
Here's the point.
  • When you don't get to know the induviduals in your team, you risk wasting good talent.
  • It is difficult to lead people through the fire if they don't have any confidence in you. One way to establish confidence is by investing time in getting to know them.
  • Keeping it all business all the time can create a disconnect.
So I ask you again. Are you getting to know those you are leading? Are you investing time in them?

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