Thursday, January 14, 2010

The At Least It Pays The Bills Cop Out

Originally uploaded by richjm

It's true. You could have no job at all. You could have no way to pay the bills. I get it, but are you using those two sentences as a cop out? Are you just shrugging your shoulders?

If you've found yourself in a dead end job, a dip not worth pushing through, or you're just showing up for the paycheck alone shouldn't you be working to find something else? Life is too short to spend most of your life doing something you cannot even enjoy. I realize most of the workforce out there does spend most of their lives in jobs they do not enjoy. In essence many are waiting to die. But, should you?

It's true. You could have no job at all. You could have no way to pay the bills. Just don't let that mentality stop you from creating new opportunities or figuring out a way to finally do what you love. You don't need cop outs.

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